Friday, September 11, 2009

10 Years....and Reluctantly Counting

Many of you know that we have had our house on the market for the past year. It has been a long hard year...a year of waiting on God's timing while learning to be patient and content. These are not easy lessons to least for me!

Scot reminded me that 10 years ago this month we bought this house.

I do love this house and a part of me is sad to move. This house holds many precious memories. I wrote about it here. I remember crying as I wrote that post and even now my eyes are tearing up....I don't think I can think about that now!

So today, we celebrate 10 years in our home...and patiently count down the days until we move on to our dream home! A place where new memories will be made.....

1 comment:

Karis said...

Waiting on God's timing with patience and contentment...I understand that struggle.

10 years in the same house -- how wonderful!