The girls both placed in the recipe contest!

S won 2nd place in the cookie division. She made her Sensational Brownies. You can click the link for the recipe.
Emily won 1st place in the cookie division with her Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Bars.

They both won Honorable Mentions also.

S won 2nd place in the cookie division. She made her Sensational Brownies. You can click the link for the recipe.
They both won Honorable Mentions also.
S in the Misc. category for her Super Quick Peanut Butter Dip.
E in the candy category for her Chocolate Peanut Toffee Bars.

Congratulations girls! You both did a fantastic job and I am so proud of you!
Great Job!!!!!
Good Job! Those desserts sure do look good to eat!
I am so happy and proud of you! Good job, girls!
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